Style Guide


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What is ?
Blue Plus is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

What is ?
Blue Plus is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

What is ?
Blue Plus is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

What is ?
Blue Plus is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

What is ?
Blue Plus is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).


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Dark Grey
Dark slate grey
Misty Rose
Blue Violet
Lavendra Lite
White Smoke
Light Grey
Slate Blue
Light Salmon

The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street

Heading H1 - 3.5rem / 1.2

The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street

Heading H2 - 3rem / 1.2

The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street

Heading H3 - 2.5rem / 1.2

The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street

Heading H4 - 2rem / 1.3
The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street
Heading H5 - 1.5rem / 1.4
The bright sun cast long shadows across the deserted street
Heading H6 - 1.25rem / 1.4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean enim nunc, efficitur eget sem at, fringilla euismod elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisl lacus, sagittis ut consectetur sed, congue vel felis. Vivamus id ante enim. Curabitur porta pellentesque tortor ut molestie.

Paragraph - 1rem / 1.5
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean enim nunc, efficitur eget sem at, fringilla euismod elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisl lacus, sagittis ut consectetur sed, congue vel felis. Vivamus id ante enim. Curabitur porta pellentesque tortor ut molestie.
Body text Medium - 1.125rem / 1.5
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean enim nunc, efficitur eget sem at, fringilla euismod elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisl lacus, sagittis ut consectetur sed, congue vel felis. Vivamus id ante enim. Curabitur porta pellentesque tortor ut molestie.
Body text Regular - 1rem / 1.5
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean enim nunc, efficitur eget sem at, fringilla euismod elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisl lacus, sagittis ut consectetur sed, congue vel felis. Vivamus id ante enim. Curabitur porta pellentesque tortor ut molestie.
Body text Small - 0.875rem / 1.5

Heading Style H1

Heading Style H1

Heading Style H2

Heading Style H3

Heading Style H4

Heading Style H5
Heading Style H6
Buttons and Links
Primary Small
Secondary Small
Button Link
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Rich Text

The white water rafting trip was suddenly halted by the unexpected brick wall

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean enim nunc, efficitur eget sem at, fringilla euismod elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisl lacus, sagittis ut consectetur sed, congue vel felis. Vivamus id ante enim. Curabitur porta pellentesque tortor ut molestie.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Nam ut faucibus leo
  3. Orci varius natoque penatibus
  4. et magnis dis parturient montes

The tree fell unexpectedly short

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus euismod turpis sit amet finibus facilisis. Donec id ornare lorem, id pulvinar sem. Pellentesque eget sapien nisl. Fusce accumsan justo non massa commodo, at sollicitudin lectus accumsan. Vestibulum porta lorem sed elit tempus rhoncus. Praesent feugiat nibh at nibh vehicula, sed rhoncus arcu porttitor. Phasellus magna est, gravida at ornare vel, tempus vel sapien. Sed aliquet ipsum mollis tincidunt consequat. Nullam pharetra est est, nec mattis nulla pharetra vel. Duis nec efficitur enim.

tempus vel sapien. Sed aliquet ipsum mollis tincidunt consequat. Nullam pharetra est est, nec mattis nulla pharetra vel. Duis nec efficitur enim.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

People Chatting
Nam ut faucibus leo.
The old apple revels in its authority

Phasellus magna est, gravida at ornare vel, tempus vel sapien. Sed aliquet ipsum mollis tincidunt consequat. Nullam pharetra est est, nec mattis nulla pharetra vel. Duis nec efficitur enim.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Nam ut faucibus leo
  • Orci varius natoque penatibus
  • et magnis dis parturient montes

A glittering gem is not enough

Phasellus magna est, gravida at ornare vel, tempus vel sapien. Sed aliquet ipsum mollis tincidunt consequat. Nullam pharetra est est, nec mattis nulla pharetra vel. Duis nec efficitur enim.

Bring your in-store customer experience online

Provide a next-level ecommerce experience to your visitors thanks to our AI & CX Expertise